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Three best practices for social media marketing.

If you’re looking to market your business in current and on-trend ways, you cannot afford to miss out the power and presence of social media – a great way to build customer trust and loyalty. But how do you know what to do when it comes to making the most of social media platforms for promoting your businesses and services?

A quick online search shows that there are a number of platforms on which to engage with your audience and diverse ways to do so. If you’re starting out in social media marketing management, this can seem overwhelming. Our advice? Be sure to align your social media activities with your overall marketing plan and goals, and kick off with implementing best practices to ensure you get the best results for your efforts.

Social media techniques to get your business noticed

1. Be selective

As above, there are a number of social media platforms your business could be on. Rather than trying to ‘be everywhere’, your business’ presence will be much more powerful if you carefully select and focus on platforms that align well with your brand and services. Get to know what each platform is known for as well as their main target markets (their membership). For example, Instagram is an app that’s all about visuals and photos while Twitter is about on-point and short text messages. Know which platform works best for your brand and spend time learning what works (and what doesn’t) for that platform.

2. Think content

When it comes to changing with your online audience, research shows that content is king. Sharing relevant, user-friendly content with your ideal target market is an effective way to position your business as a thought leader, encourage discussion and build brand awareness and credibility. Think about the kind of content you want to share on social media (and, for that matter, across all your online outlets). Will your content be on-trend, centre on an important industry focus, or ask questions of your followers? Avoid simple hard selling and look to create interesting content that can be commented on and shared with others.

3. Be consistent

Did you know that 41% of social media users have unfollowed a brand due to that brand posting irrelevant information? Whatever you decide to share or how you decide to share it, remember to keep your brand style and voice top of mind. A social media presence should be carefully managed and nurtured to have maximum impact. Reliable facts, a lack of errors, and strong brand personality all help to boost engagement, build credibility, and encourage customer trust.

Social media marketing can be a time-consuming and complex process and it’s best to work with marketing experts who understand how to use media marketing techniques to raise a business’ brand awareness and help it connect with its ideal buyers. Talk to us – as digital marketing experts, we can help you manage your social media presence in the most effective way.

Social media can help you connect with great-fit leads. What more lead generation ideas? We’ve got them!